Taringa Podcast



Friday May 05, 2023

Te reo whakawhāiti. When learning te reo Māori it's easy to get stuck in the black and white of syntax, grammar structures and so forth. However, there are also alot of grey areas which can't be measured by a flow chart. This grey part is tikanga and can only be learned or understood by experience. Whakakāngia tā tātou tīkera, ā, kia whakaoko mai ki tā tātou wānanga mō te rā.

Friday Apr 28, 2023

Tōia tapotu te waka kōrero ki te wai. Mā wai e tō? Mā Taringa e tō, mā Hoturoa e tō!
Hoturoa Barclay-Kerr navigates us through some of his experiences as a Tohunga Whakatere Waka. From these experiences he offers some enlightening insights into our perception of waka, our maritime history and many more.

Friday Apr 21, 2023

Snowy and Kahu take some time to reflect on the way that they've acknowledged ANZAC day in the past. The pair also indulge in a short grammar wananga about the use and variations of "wareware".

Friday Apr 14, 2023

Hamuera Maika joins the Taringa crew to discuss his region and share some interesting stories. Whakaronga mai!

Friday Apr 07, 2023

Snow, Paraone and Kahu listen to some excerpts from the 1990 Aotearoa Traditional Māori Performing Arts Festival (ATMPAS), which was held in a hot tent in Waitangi that year.

Friday Mar 31, 2023

MC Grammar is back again, revisiting kupu used in reference to Whakapapa, plus a few digressions and embellishments. Heoi anō, whakarongo mai!

Friday Mar 17, 2023

In this episode, the esteemed Waldo Houia shares his upbringing in Te Reo, the reo of Ngāti Porou, and other whakaaro pertaining to his iwi; Ngāti Uepōhatu

Friday Mar 10, 2023

MC Grammar brings the fire with his grammatical insights into the wonderous and layered language that is te reo Māori. We recap on appositions, take a look at some known words for kaumātua and talk about the way our language has evolved to reflect the way we see ourselves. Kia mau!

Friday Mar 03, 2023

As the dust settles and te ao Māori reflects on what was one of the most memorable Matatini, the Taringa trio also reflect and look at some tikanga pertaining to te ao haka. We also wānanga about the future of haka, what competitive haka could like and how we may get there.

Friday Feb 24, 2023

Ngā kupu o te haka. Paraone and Te Puaheiri look through He Tohu Whenua Rangatira - A judges compendium of terms used to describe aspects of haka, discussing a selection of kupu from it's glossary. Not only are these kupu for haka but also for our daily use. A challenge is issued to all kapa and non-participating to use these kupu kei ngaro.

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