Friday Nov 18, 2022
Taringa - Ep 265 - Tikanga 101 - Mana Wahine - pt 1
Ka whakapuakina e Ngāhuia Murphy ana rangahau me ōna whakaaro mō ngā āhuatanga o te wahine Māori i ngaro i ngā tau. Ka kōrerotia te tapu me te mana o te wahine i mua te aupēhia o te mana o te wahine Māori e te Pākeha, e tōna whakapono, e āna tuhinga hoki. Dr Ngāhuia Murphy talks about her research and ideas regarding the status of wahine Māori, which had been lost in recent history. The sanctity and reverence of women (before their oppression by Western beliefs, ideologies and historical writing) is also discussed.