Taringa Podcast



Friday Feb 17, 2023

He aha te reo o te kaiwhakawā o te kaiwhiriwhiri rānei? What is the language of the judge? What are some of the remarks they make when marking certain items of the kapahaka bracket?
Kahurangi also explains the techinicality of the poi.

Monday Feb 13, 2023

As we build up to Te Matatini 2023 we invite one of the giants of te ao kapa haka; Trevor Maxwell to join us. We hear untold stories of what happened in 1983 and how "2 weeks in Manutuke" propelled many kapa into existence. We also hear about the risks Trevor and his kapa took to push the boundaries of kapahaka.

Friday Feb 03, 2023

In this episode, JJ Carberry joins us for a wānanga about the provisions of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and we kōrero about what we can do as a part of the resistance.

Friday Jan 27, 2023

Ka whakapāho atu anō a Taringa i ngā tari o Kauaka i Kahungunu ki te taha o Tākuta Tātere Mcleod. Ka wānangahia e tātou ngā hua i puta mai i tana rangahau mō te mita, te rangi otirā mō te tūreo o ngā iwi. Ka puta hoki ētahi whakaaro hei wero i ngā whakaaro o ngā iwi. Whakarongo mai.

Friday Jan 20, 2023

The Taringa crew kick-off 2023 with MC Grammar, gently easing everyone into the nuance of appositions i roto i te reo Māori.

Friday Jan 13, 2023

To help break up those back-to-work blues, we have some more music for you to sing along to!
Enjoy these waiata previously featured in Eps 210 — 223.
Track Listing;
00:41 - Whiti te Marama (Majic Paora)
03:39 - Tīhore mai te Rangi (Ria Hall)
07:07 - Pureora (Arekatera Maihi)
10:13 - Pupuru ai e Hine (Motai)
13:49 - Purerehua (Teremoana Rapley)
18:43 - He Rau Waewae (Hirini Melbourne)
20:04 - Kia Ngawari (He Iti Kahurangi)
22:32 - Te Pū (Tuari Brothers)
25:31 - Ka Hura (Maisey Rika)
31:08 - O-Tāwhao (Taringa crew)
34:11 - Kōrero Māori (Aotearoa)

Friday Jan 06, 2023

We hope you're all having a good summer break! Enjoy some more waiata, previously featured in Eps 199 — 209
Track listing;
00:40 - Pēhea te roa (unknown artists)
03:28 - Aio - Ranea (Ranea Aperahama)
07:49 - Riri Kōpūtahi (Ranea Aperahama)
11:22 - Taku Inoi (Maisey Rika)
16:39 - Tāwhirimātea (Ranea Aperahama)
20:55 - Roto Waho (Ranea Aperahama)
24:09 - He Aio (Haami)
26:58 - Kuikui (Ranea Aperahama)
31:04 - He Waiata Mo Te Tai Tokerau (Te Hononga)
34:42 - He aha koe e pātai nei e moko (Mataatua ki Rotorua)

Friday Dec 30, 2022

Ngā mihi o te tau hōu! For your summer jams, enjoy a selection of waiata previously featured in Eps 185 — 197.
Track listing;
00:40 - Ka Tohe Au (unknown artists)
03:42 - Poi Tipua (Ngā Tūmanako)
07:03 - I Ngā Mokai Kiri E (Annette & Teiria)
09:17 - Nō Reira (Dennis Marsh)
13:06 - Te Hekenga O Maruiwi (Te Kapa Haka o Te Iti Kahurangi)
18:26 - Ruia Ruia (Muriwhenua Kapahaka)
18:55 - Tihei Mauriora (Ranea Aperahama)
22:37 - Te Marae Tapu o Raupī (unknown artists)
25:59 - Harihari Kōrero (He Iti Kahurangi)
29:06 - Kei aro atu koe (Kings)
32:42 - Tāwhirimātea (Maisey Rika)

Friday Dec 23, 2022

In our last official ep for the year, Snowy, Paraone and Kahurangi talk about verious uses of Reo within the context of holidays and summer activities. Have a great festive season, e hoa mā. You'll hear from us again in January 2023. Mauri Ora!

Friday Dec 16, 2022

Ka haere a Taringa ki Kahungunu ki ngā taringa huruhuru o te Atua o te Te Reo Māori. Ka whakarangatira a Tā Timoti Karetu i a tātou i āna kōrero mō ōna iho pūmanawa, te āhua o te reo hei ko tāna, me ētahi atu o ōna whakaaro mō ngā kaupapa Māori o te wā.

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