Taringa Podcast



Friday Sep 10, 2021

He tapu te parapara? He aha i tapu ai? Me pēhea e porowhiu atu? Is waste/trash sacred? If so, why? How is it to be disposed of?
In the first week of Mahuru Māori, the Taringa trio ponders these questions in consideration of such practices as tā moko, tangihanga and humuhumu (amputation) with the remnants and their disposal in mind.

Friday Sep 03, 2021

What is a hapa? What is a whati? What are they in the context of te reo Māori and tikanga Māori? What are the underpinning principles that make them Māori concepts? Why can I say "KAITOA!" when I'm relieved or satisfied with something?

Friday Aug 27, 2021

As we face new and uncharted waters, so too does te reo Māori. What kupu do we use for certain terms like hand sanitiser? Pandemic? Social distancing? Ka āta wānangahia te tokotoru o Taringa atu i tō rātou ake 'kāhui rāhui' mō tēnei kaupapa.

Friday Aug 20, 2021

This week's episode explores the use of the prefix "whaka".

Friday Aug 13, 2021

In this "Patapatai" episode, our hosts answer questions about education systems, pepeha structure, Christianity, and Tangihanga.

Monday Aug 09, 2021

Paraone, Snow and Erica discuss Tikanga mō te kai in various contexts.

Friday Jul 30, 2021

Karanga te hau muri, karanga te hau runga, karanga te hau uru, karanga te hau whiti karanga ngā taonga o tua whakarere. The Ngā Taonga series continues as the Taringa trio look at some excerpts of karanga. We also contest the thought of how and when the karanga was to be used. Whakarongo mai.

Friday Jul 23, 2021

Hari huri tau ki a Taringa! Special guests Che Wilson and Rangi Matamua join us in the film studio for our 4th birthday. We answer some audience pātai, and speak in depth about the Tikanga of Matariki and Puanga.

Monday Jul 19, 2021

Ko hea tēnei wāhi? In this Kupu,Kupu,Kupu episode we discuss place names and the language associated with them.

Wednesday Jul 14, 2021

The ultimate koha: Should I give blood? Is it tapu? This week we host special guests Pio Terei and Nicola Adams (better known as Nix) to discuss donating blood from a mātauranga Māori perspective. Tau ana ngā manuhiri, tau ana ngā kōrero, tau ana te kaupapa.

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