Taringa Podcast

Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Jarred Boon (aka MC Grammar) is back for another schooling session on "ai". We review instances covered in Ep 214, (habitual action, dependent actions, subsequent action clauses), and go in depth on using the particle "ai" in a range of questioning contexts.

Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Ka tau mai a Dr Enoka Murphy ki te pae kōrero i tēnei puni o Iwi o te Wiki ki te whakahuahua i ngā kōrero motuhake mō Ngāti Manawa.

Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Ka hoki mai anō te takitoru o Taringa ki te āta matapakihia tēnei kaupapa te whati me te hapa me kī hei tō te tirohanga Māori i roto i ngā whakaritenga Māori pēnei i te whaikōrero me ētahu atu tūwhai āhuaranga. The Taringa trio return to discuss this topic of errors and falters in according per se to the Māori perspective within Māori contexts such as formal oration and other aspects.

Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Te Reo expert Jarred Boon joins us to talk about the use of the complex particle "ai". Ka kōrerotia hoki tētahi kīwaha i kōrerotia ai e tana kuia i a rāua e tohe ana. E mārama ai ki tēnei momo pūhono me whai wheako kia rongo ai koe ki ana whakamahinga huhua. Whakarongo mai.

Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
A muri ake i tētahi paku whakatā, ka hoki mai anō te wāhanga o Ngā Taonga. Ka hoki ki mua ki 1972 ki te Whetiwara Poronīhia tuatahi ki te whakarongo ki te āhua o te kapahaka o te wā me te kite i ngā kākano i whakatōngia i aua tau kua hua mai ai i ēnei tau. After a short hiatus, Ngā Taonga returns to our regularly scheduled programming. We go back in time to 1972 to the first Polynesian Festival to listen to the style of kapahaka of the time and to witness the seeds planted then that have since borne fruit in today.

Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Uia mai koia, whakahuatia ake; Ko wai te whare nei e? Ko Taringa! Welcome back to another addition of patapatai. We reflect on Mahuru Māori, look at non-binary taking on moko, what non-Māori and Māori may want to consider when it comes to pepeha and many more. Nō reira kia areare mai ō koutou taringa, kia huakina mai ō koutou ngākau hoki. Taringa Hi!

Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Koia tēnei ko te wahanga whakamutunga o tēnei punua raupapatanga whakahirahira ki tō tātou Pāpā a Tā Pou Temara. Kia hono tonu mai ki te ihi, te wehi me te mana o tana kōrero.

Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Hoki mai ano ki te wahanga tuarua o tēnei punua raupapatanga ko Te Ao o te Touhunga. Ka noho mai a Tā Pou ki tō tātou whare o Ipurau ki te kōrero tonu mai mō tana whakatupuranga me ana wheako i mātau ai ia ki ngā mahi a te tohunga.
Share your reo Māori story for a chance to win your part of $10,000. Record and share your story starting with the sentence “I speak te reo Māori because...” or “I learn to reo Maori because...” then upload it to Instagram, Facebook or TikTok using the hashtag #mōtereo and enter at www.mahurumaori.com/motereo

Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Ahorangi Tā Pou Temara. He mōhio, he pūkenga, he ruānuku, he tā, he ahorangi - Ko ēnei tūwhai āhua katoa e hāngai pū ana ki tēnei taniwha o te ao Māori. Engari ka toko ake te pātai nā te aha i pēnei ai? Nā wai rānei i pēnei ai? Whakarongo mai ki te hautoru tuatahi o tēnei punua raupapatanga e kīia nei Te Ao o te Tohunga.
Share your reo Māori story for a chance to win your part of $10,000. Record and share your story starting with the sentence “I speak te reo Māori because...” or “I learn to reo Maori because...” then upload it to Instagram, Facebook or TikTok using the hashtag #mōtereo and enter at www.mahurumaori.com/motereo

Friday Sep 17, 2021
Friday Sep 17, 2021
We are graced by Julian Wilcox this week for "Iwi o te Wiki", as we take a second look at the intricate, complex architecture of the sacred house of Ngāpuhi. Listen out for our kīwaha which may have you rolling your eyes, or even answering back at some one.
Share your reo Māori story for a chance to win your part of $10,000. Record and share your story starting with the sentence “I speak te reo Māori because..” or “I learn to reo Maori because...” then upload it to Instagram, Facebook or TikTok using the hashtag #mōtereo and enter at www.mahurumaori.com/motereo