Taringa Podcast

Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Ka hono mai a Dayle Takitimu ki te whakaputa atu i ōna whakaaro mō te ture me te tiriti me etahi atu kōrero hei te tirohanga o tēnei roia. Kia areare mai hoki ō taringa ki te kīwaha e whakahuatia ana te pono me te whenua. Dayle Takitimu joins us to express her thoughts on law and the treaty along with other views. Also keep an ear out for the idiom that conveys truth stemming from the earth. Taringa hī! Taringa hā!!

Friday Jan 28, 2022
Friday Jan 28, 2022
This week we welcome Rutene Gabel to discuss Ngāti Kahu. Whakaronga mai!

Friday Jan 21, 2022
Friday Jan 21, 2022
He ahe koe i kore ai e kai? He aha ia e kore nei e kai? He aha au e kore ai e kai? Hei tukatuka ake anō i te tau hōu mahi ka kotahi atu tātou ki te Kupu Kupu Kupu me tō tātou mātanga reo ara ko Jared Boon me kī ko Mc Grammar. Ka āta matapakihia e mātou ngā rerenga kua whakahuatia ake i mua nā. Why didn't you eat? Why isn't he eating? Why won't I eat? To kickoff the working year we head straight into Kupu Kupu Kupu with linguistic expert Jarred Boon, AKA "MC Grammar", taking a close look at the aforementioned structures.

Friday Jan 14, 2022
Friday Jan 14, 2022
To help break up those back-to-work blues, we have some more music for you to sing along to, waiata previously featured in Eps 171 — 184. Taringa will be back with our regular kōrerorero next week.
Track Listing;
00:42 - Nōhea (Rei, Tyna)
04:01 - Te Reo o te Ngākau (unknown artists)
06:41 - Tohora nui (unknown artists)
07:43 - Raumati (Pere Wihongi)
11:06 - A-ha-ka-ma (Te Ara Reo Māori - Pānia Papa & friends)
11:57 - Nei Te Tiriti (Ruia Aperehama)
15:40 - Maranga mai Pikiao (unknown artists)
18:26 - Motai - Ara Re (Mōtai Tangata Rau)
21:42 - Taku Whare Tapere (Ngā Tūmanako)
24:26 - He Aha Ai (Te Ara Reo Māori - Pānia Papa & friends)
27:46 - Katarina (Ngā Tūmanako)
31:56 - Kapakapa Mai Te Manawa (Te Ara Reo Māori - Pānia Papa & friends)
35:44 - Kia mau ki tō ūkaipō (Six60)

Friday Jan 07, 2022
Friday Jan 07, 2022
We hope you're all having a good summer break! Enjoy some more waiata, previously featured in Eps 157 — 168
Track Listing:
00:42 - Oriori Tekau mā waru (Ngā Tūmanako)
04:48 - Kei Moumou (Ngā Tūmanako)
07:47 - He Rangi ataahua (Te Reo Takiwa Dunn)
11:29 - Medley: Tōia Mai, Maringi ngā roimata (Ngā tamariki wāhine o te kura o Te Waipounamu, 1977)
15:38 - Mahuru (Earth wind and fire remake for Mahuru Māori)
19:22 - Pōhutukawa (Maisey Rika)
24:51 - He Oriori Mōhau (Ngā Tūmanako)
28:35 - E Rere te Manu (Mel Davis)
32:42 - Ka Titiro (unknown artists)
34:44 - Tangihia (Te Kapa Haka o Te Iti Kahurangi)
38:31 - I waenganui pū harakeke (Koea Kaka and friends)
42:00 - Ngā Tūmanako (Ngā Tūmanako)

Friday Dec 31, 2021
Friday Dec 31, 2021
Ngā mihi o te tau hōu! For your summer jams, enjoy a selection of waiata previously featured in Eps 145 — 156.
Track Listing;
00:42 - Ka Kotahi Ai Te Iwi (Te Ara Reo Māori - Pānia Papa & friends)
03:40 - A Me Te O (Te Ara Reo Māori - Pānia Papa & friends)
05:53 - Rule Your Mind (Sophronia Smith)
08:56 - E Rima E (unknown artists)
11:20 - He Whare Mokemoke (Te Ara Reo Māori - Pānia Papa & friends)
14:06 - Tō Aroha (Kataraina Pipi)
18:39 - Waerea (Ngā Tūmanako)
22:13 - Kia Taiea Te Tū (Ngā Tūmanako)
24:51 - Hei Konei Rā (Pātea Māori Club)
28:07 - E kore au e ngaro (unknown artists)
29:59 - He Raruraru (Te Ara Reo Māori - Pānia Papa & friends)
32:13 - Tiki Tapu (Rob Ruha)

Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
We give examples of some errors that can happen when writing or reciting karakia, and incorrect tikanga practices around the building & opening of Whare. We then discuss the effects that these mistakes can have on the intentions of important kaupapa.

Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
It's a real mixed bag in this ep as we answer a reo question about the use of "mo" and "kimi", offer some thoughts on tikanga around whānuangatanga in the current covid climate, and we also discuss Taniwhā gender - inspired by Story the from Ep 218.

Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Diving back into the precious ‘Ngā Taonga’ archives, this time we are at the NZ Polynesian Festival in Lower Hutt in February, 1979.
Listen along as we kōrero in depth about a few of the items that were performed at the event.

Saturday Nov 27, 2021
Saturday Nov 27, 2021
Featuring the traditional story which was turned into an award winning childrens book, we are fortunate to have author Ben Ngaia join us to speak about the significance of this story and his work writing the book. Check out our facebook page for a Ngake me Whātaitai book give away, or purchase it from here: https://huia.co.nz/huia-bookshop/bookshop/ngake-me-whataitai/